[bctt tweet=”Need to give a bit more boost to your SME Business’ online presence?”] or maybe you [bctt tweet=”want your Small Business to get a prominent place in search results?”] [bctt tweet=”Google is experimenting with a new card carousel test featuring content from local businesses in search results. “] This was originally rolled out for political figures, celebrities and select small businesses. The shared content can be anything from text, images, gifs or videos content and can dramatically increase a posts’ visibility.
Take a look at one Small Business Google has been working with in the experimental phase for this new feature:
How Can You Incorporate It With Your Small Business Marketing Strategy?
Initially termed as “Posts” by trend watchers, though this feature has not been named by Google as yet, [bctt tweet=”featuring shareable content in search results will give more exposure to online brands.”]
How so? Google puts it this way!
“Creating content is fast and simple, and once published, posts will appear instantly in search results”… “Each post can also be shared on popular social networks, amplifying the message even further.”
Clicking on one of these snippets will take you to a full screen page with more information such as text and images which can then be shared. However, it will work as a one way communication for small businesses, because viewers cannot like or comment on any posts.

(Image Source :- https://goo.gl/qi3fDp )
How can Your Local Small Business Marketing Benefit From This Feature?
This new exciting feature can give a boost to your small business marketing strategy by helping you to strengthen your social presence (similar to a twitter-like feed right on Google search) and also use it as a new advertising product for brand promotion.
The fact that Google enjoys the kind of reach that no other social media platform is even close to, makes this feature tremendously powerful for Local Small Business Marketing, because they can now get a top slot on search result pages.
Given the rise in mobile devices, for a SME Business, this will make it easier for time strapped customers to get fast, concise results quickly, right on the search result page from their mobile devices.
Once officially rolled out to full scale, small businesses can use this feature to provide real-time updates, promotional offers, business news, product information, and much more.
If you want to leverage this new feature to increase your brand exposure and reach by multiple folds, we can help!
At SolomoIT, we are a team of Digital Marketing experts and can assist you in creating and running your Social Media Campaign. We are actively involved in promoting SME Business owners seeking to outsource online marketing services. We have helped a number of small and medium businesses in Australia from industries as diverse as finance to real estate and food businesses, in developing a strong digital presence and generate more leads online.