Google Plus may not have received the due respect in the beginning but it didn’t take long to create an active user base of over 540 million and quickly turn heads of businesses that actually care about their search engine ranking.
The social network, that’s still in its infancy, has quickly become the newest arsenal for businesses that want to connect to their fans, prospects, customers and industry influencers.
To help you get the most out of your Google Plus presence, here I share with you 10 tips to create a strong and relevant follower base on one of the most promising social network.
Fill Out Your Google+ Profile
Fill in every detail you can on your about page. People click on your about page for various reasons. There are millions of people on Google+. Your profile must stand out to people who are in your place. Think of your ideal audience and describe yourself to them—who you are, what you do, and what you’re interested in. what’s even more important is to include keywords and relevant links while telling the story about your business.

Image Source Form +OnehourplumbingAu
Follow as Many People as Possible
Follow people and businesses you are interested in and many will follow you back. This is where Google+ following begins. You start adding people to your circles. Obviously this following cannot be random. You can search for users you want to connect with using the search function on Google Plus and use the Ripples feature to see if that person is worth your time. The following image shows a Ripples diagram for a post by online marketing expert Mark Traphagen.

Image Source Form +MarkTraphagen
Join Communities
When you join a community you are part of a larger group of people who are engaged on a certain topic. Share the right things with the right people just like in real life.
Promote Your Presence in Other Social Networks
Use other social media networks to promote your new Google+ presence. Use the reach you’ve already built up on these other channels to encourage fans and followers to check out your new Google+ Page and follow you there.
Post on Google+ Every Day
Make sure you are updating your Google Plus page on a regular basis. The content needs to be not just exclusive, valuable and compelling both in terms of visuals and substance but also optimized for best search results. Engage your followers in discussions by asking questions and requesting feedback.
Work Together With “What’s Hot” Feature
The “What’s Hot” feature helps users find and interact with popular content shared within Google+. According to a post on the Official Google Blog this new tool will give users a glimpse outside their Circles and into the larger world of Google+ posts created by its strong and growing user base.
Make Use of Hashtags
Based on the hashtag that you enter, Google+ will suggest other relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a powerful way to increase your exposure and follows and Google uses them in ways that are entirely different from Twitter and Facebook. Google uses them to form relationships between topics. Infact you can actually teach Google these relationships by tagging you own posts, says . Be sure to use plenty of them every time you post.
Mention Other Users in Your Posts
If you want to grab someone’s attention when you share content or post comments on Google+, try mentioning them using the ‘+’ or ‘@’ signs. You can only mention people who are on Google+ but you can share with people who aren’t members yet by entering their email after the ‘+’ or ‘@’ signs.
Start building up a Google Plus Community
The main tip I will give you here (again) is don’t rush to set up a community. Wait until you have built a stable tribe around you first (i.e. using Circles). When you get to that point you will have a much better feel of how you can serve them best.
Make Your Posts Public
If you want maximum exposure for your posts, share it with the public, so that anyone on the web can see your posts. You can also choose to share your posts with Extended Circles.
Remember that anything you post on Google+ can be shared, at a minimum to the circles and extended circles of the people you are sharing with. Never share anything you don’t want to risk others sharing.
Still not sure how to leverage the platform to your advantage and improve your followership on Google Plus? Let us help you out with this!
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SolomoIT is a boutique digital marketing agency based in Melbourne and Sydney since 2004. Our clients benefit from our years of experience in Digital Marketing. Our strategies are flexible and adaptable and we make sure our clients get the right message in front of the target audience with our expert guidance and holistic approach.
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